Sunday, February 14, 2021

Prayers for my Womb

In this post I would like to share a prayer request, along with part of my story and some of my thoughts on childhood and life.

Since the time I was a teenager, I have daydreamed about being a homeschool teacher. Childhood is a magical time, a time of play and discovery and fun. I love living education, where history is learned with true story books, costumes, etc; and science is learned with hands-on experiments. Oh, I spent so many pleasurable hours daydreaming about being a homeschool mom. I have planned out in my mind all the curriculum and resources to use, I have imagined so many field trips and creative projects. “For the Children's Sake” by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay is a book that grabbed my heart deeply, it was a launching pad for my vision to soar from. With the head start from this book, I dreamed not only about how I would educate, but also how I would parent. I researched, I gleaned wisdom from the mothers and fathers I admire in my church, I read scripture and prayed for wisdom. All children are individual human beings who make their own choices and live their own lives, and we must respect this... but there are ways to establish a place of stability, to impart the security of knowing their own value. And there are so many ways to let kids be kids. Tree houses, playing with sticks, making mud pies, hide-n-seek, snowball fights, exploring the forest, clue hunts, science projects, painting, play-dough, fort-building, cardboard fun, baking cookies, pillow fights... and so much more.

Jesus came so that we may have abundant life!

I married a man with the same vision as myself for parenthood and life. Jacob pursued my hand as a valiant knight courting a princess. He won my heart with his love for God, the way he always treats me with utmost honor, and his contagious laughter. We read “For the Children’s Sake” together and discussed what raising little ones looked like. I cried tears of joy that the Lord gave me this amazing man to be my counterpart in the shared task and joy of raising up our brood. Between five to seven children was our agreed on number.

We didn’t lose any time, eleven months after our wedding I gave birth to our son, Uriel. And he didn’t lose any time entering the world, arriving two weeks early and being born in less than two hours. The midwives didn’t even make it to our home in time and that baby boy was caught by his exuberant Daddy.

I nursed my little boy and daydreamed about future births. Oh, how I love to give birth! As he grew into a toddler, I often daydreamed about birthing his future siblings.

Even before we were married, Jacob and I both felt in our spirits the Lord’s promise to us of parenthood. We’ve received multiple prophetic words about children, about a fruitful and healthy womb, about a full quiver of arrows. 

We had a setback last winter, a false pregnancy. They call it a blighted ovum, where the baby passes away very early on and yet the mother’s body continues to grow a placenta and everything, releasing all the pregnancy hormones and acting normal. I was 11 weeks in before my body switched gears and flushed out my uterus.

We grieved our child, the little one I named Violet, and we waited several months before conceiving again. 

I was 14 weeks pregnant when we traveled to our land in Okanogan to drop off some supplies and have an overnight camping trip. We’d recently had our midwife appointment and heard our baby’s whooshing heartbeat on the Doppler, and I was looking forward to feeling kicks in the next few weeks.

Uriel was almost two years old. Our precious son. Happy, curious, smart, adventurous, affectionate, an all-around joy and ray of sunshine in our lives. He was thriving and we were enjoying parenthood tremendously. He was learning all the time, and I was also looking forward to starting all the homeschool projects that I’ve always dreamed of, once he got a little bit older.

We were looking forward to the birth of our next little one, and many more to follow.

This is the part of the story where tragedy struck. After the fire, along the shore of the Columbia, we lost our children. Uriel and the little one we would afterwards name River, for it was near the bank of a river where she went home to be with Jesus and her older siblings.

God is not the author of death, but of life. We live in a sinful and broken world, tragedy happens and God does not always supernaturally intervene. But He does always pick up the pieces and see His people through. He takes any situation, He works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. 

This doesn’t mean He never intervenes, whether that be during a situation or afterwards. We believe He is the God of the impossible, the God of resurrection power, the God of the miraculous. And we shall see what He yet may do.

The tragedy didn’t stop with the loss of our children. On September 18, at the hospital, Jacob and I lost something very important to us. During an 11-hour surgery, we lost my womb. I had developed a deadly infection out in the wilderness, and the gynecologist team tried so hard to save my womb. A D&C, a slew of antibiotics, and they were cautiously optimistic it would eradicate the infection. They communicated all this to me, and I wasn’t worried about it. They let me know they needed to double check during my next surgery, and I agreed. What they found was horrible. There was a puncture in my uterus containing a bubble of infection, ready to burst both into my uterus and also out into all my other organs... if that happened, it would have basically been a death sentence for me. Trying to save my womb would almost certainly have popped the bubble, and just leaving it alone would have resulted in it almost certainly popping on its own within a few days. My life was on the line. So they performed an emergency hysterectomy. The gynecologist team knew how important my uterus was to me, the head of the team was in tears as she made the decision. Half the team was in tears. They contacted my family before doing it, and I had signed a consent form with a contingency plan allowing a hysterectomy, but it still hit me like a ton of bricks when I woke up and my womb was gone. 

My dad was the one who told me the news, and then he instantly reminded me of all God’s promises to me. “God will still fulfill those promises!” he said, “Think of Abraham and Sarah. God will fulfill His promises.”

Jacob and I have cried together many times for all we have lost, but we stand together believing that God will fulfill His promises. I still have my ovaries, we can still have biological children together through a surrogate. Both our sisters and another dear friend have already volunteered. We could also adopt children, which is something we had in the back of our minds already anyway. There are options.

But our dearest prayer is for the restoration of my womb. Those promises certainly could be figurative... but I want to believe that they were literal. Literally my womb. Because we serve the God of the impossible, the God of resurrection power, the God who could grow a new uterus in my body as easily as He raised Lazarus from the dead.

Pray also for my heart, as I grieve my son who has not been raised from the dead. I don’t get to watch him grow up, I don’t get to take him on all the adventures I dreamed of. But he lived a very full life for the time he was here for, and his memory will always be a treasure to me. I’m not ready for another child at this time, all my heart is so wrapped up in my precious baby boy who passed away too soon. 

But the Lord is beginning to touch my heart and prepare me to love more children. The day will come when I can be Mommy to a new baby. Jacob and I are starting to research and learn more about surrogacy. Perhaps we will have little ones both from the wombs of others and my restored womb as well. We miss being parents.

We are so grateful for all of you who have been upholding us in prayer for so long! Please continue to pray for Jacob and I as we grieve, and please join us in the prayer that my womb be restored.

Thank you also sooo much for your generous donations! We never expected any of this and we are blown away. It is so amazing to not have to worry about finances in a time like this.

One way or another, the Lord has promised us children, and so I believe I will one day be the homeschool mom I’ve dreamed of for so many years. Jesus has come so that we may have abundant life. Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. A full life, rich and full childhood. Education and play, creativity and delight. God is good, and the future lies before us yet to be discovered.

Uriel Always Loved. Always Remembered.


  1. I have followed your story from the beginning. Hearing this next tragedy just breaks my heart and I cry for you. But God.... He always fulfills his promises. Praying for restoration of your family in whatever way possible and that he has ordained. You truly are so strong in your faith.

  2. I stand with you contending for your miracle. For a full restoration and regeneration of your womb. The God of Miracles is your father and he can do all things!!! His will is our healing. I speak his mercy and goodness over you for all the days of your life. He is MIGHTY and he is good and his plans are to bless you, his sweet and precious daughter.

  3. Standing in agreement with you and praying for it to be done! You are a gifted communicator and I’m inspired by your openness, your strength & your faith.

  4. This revelation to those that do not know you personally literally knocked the wind out of me. It shows me how much I care for your family as I have followed you from the beginning. I will pray for the restoration of your womb. God does create miracles. I will continue to pray that one day your future dreams will be fulfilled. I'm deeply sorry for this. May God be with you.

    1. Yes it is shattering. Thank you for your prayers Delia!

  5. I know God always keeps His promises and gives us the desires of our hearts. My story not nearly as tragic as yours, however let me share how God fulfilled His promuse to me. I have 2 live births and 3 miscarriages that I grieved so and my first live birth had been twins with only one survivor. Well long story short I ended up adopting 2 sets of siblings for a total of 4 children, the same number of losses I had. My children are all adults now and I have many wonderful grandchildren. I have always felt a huge desire for twins. My brother has identical twins and I am so enamored with them. Well my daughter lost a year old grandson to an undiagnosed heart condition which was very devastating as yiu Well know. Then she went on to later get pregnant with twin boys and my daughter in law became pregnant with identical triplet girls and they were due 1 day apart. This really lifted our spirits knowing we would have 5 new grand children. Well Unfortunately tragedy struck and the twins were born too premature to survive. I was so proud of my daughter and daughter in law, tgey each were only concerned with the feelings of each other. My daughter didn't want my daughter in law to feel guilty that she was able to maintain her pregnancy while she lost her twin boys. My daughter in law was very concerned about my daughter's feelings of inadequacy not having her babies while she had 3. My son was off on a special duty assignment with the military so I took my daughter in law in for weekly ultrasounds as we watched her littke blessings grow. Then once again tragedy struck and at the ultrasound we were told there was only 1 heartbeat :( Sje had to maintain the pregnancy 2 more weeks for the remaining baby to have a chance if survival so we prayed like we had never prayed before for her survival. The day she was 25 weeks she had a C section and had 3 beautiful daughters with only one survivor weighing one pound 11 ounces and 12 inches long. She is now 10 :) I have never lost that desire in my heart for twins. I have fostered 2 sets and I believed God provided them to me. The first set was identical boys and I had them for a year. Oh hiw I missed them when they were returned to their mother. Then I hD a set of girls, oh so beautiful and I was able to maintain a relationship with them to this day, but that just quite enough for me. We my youngest daughter got decided after having a boy and a girl that they wanted another child. Her husband wanted one more and she wanted 2, so I told her to have twins then she could have her way. Lol. Well low and behold, she indeed was carrying twins, well I burst into tears- our success rate with multiples wasn't too good. We prayed vehemently since they were also identical. Well God blessed us with the most beautiful baby girls you ever laid eyes on. I truly felt like my hearts desire has been fulfilled. My son lost his 22 month old son to an undiagnosed condition that caused his little body to produce potassium, so he died of a fatal level of potassium. So all toll we have lost 6 grandchildren, but we praise God each and every day fir each and every one we still have! He has faithfully rewarded us and we count ourselves as blessed. Please know that God wi bless you in countless ways to give you the desires of your hearts. I pray every day for you, I too ended up with a hysterectomy after losing my first husband and thought a was lost. But I was blessed with an amazing man, 4 more adopted children and many more grandchildren - so keep believing!

    1. ♥ What a testimony to our good, good, Father.

  6. Thank you for sharing your story. I cried at the part where your 10-year-old granddaughter was the only survivor. You have had so much loss throughout your life, but I love seeing how you go through the story as a grandmother pointing out every blessing. Each life. Treasure. Imagining myself as a grandma one day brings me hope, looking back at a rich and full life. Blessings to you!

  7. Thank you for sharing. I will continue to pray for faith without sight and the healing power of your testimony of God's eternal all powerful goodness and love.

  8. I am so sorry for the losses you have suffered and have been praying for you and your husband. You are such a Godly inspiration! My husband and I suffered through three losses of our children in the second trimester and knew God had a different path for us. We adopted a newborn baby girl and boy within thirteen months. I am praying for the day that I see pictures of you holding your babies. God Bless you❤

    1. I’m so sorry to hear about your losses Tracie, that’s so sad! I’m glad you were able to adopt though, what a blessing. I have a brother who my parents adopted before I was born and I couldn’t imagine my childhood without him. Adoption is precious to the heart of God and I’m sure you can fathom that even more than I can as an adoptive mom not just an adoptive sister.

  9. Oh, Jamie! My heart broke anew for you. Your writing is touching and raw, and yet so encouraging. Please continue to write as you grieve through this process. Uriel and River were special and precious and may we never forget them.

    1. Apparently I’m logged in as my business. My name is Amanda.

    2. Thank you Amanda! I’m thankful for a community of such supportive and caring people that allows me to be raw and know that the memory of my precious babies is honored and my emotional process is valued.

  10. Praying specifically for both of you as requested. I share your sorrow and take heart in the great faith God has given you and Jake. Though Uriel and River are alive in Christ, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Looking forward to hearing someday about your vibrant homeschool teaching and adventures! Take care.

    1. Thank you Sheila! I too look forward to that day.

  11. Fervently praying for you Jaime and Jake. I am standing firm in knowing God is good and he wants to fulfill the desires of our hearts. I know that he hears our prayers and has a grand plan for you and Jake. Reading your words, I am touched so deeply. I can already see how he is turning your story into a beautiful one. I never met your sweet boy but love the way you write about him and looking at the pictures you post. Thank you for your vulnerability, it it is so refreshing, faith building and heart breaking all at the same time. Our God is a God who makes beauty from ashes and in your case that is so literal. I am waiting with you in anticipation and joy of what God is planning for you. In the mean time I am on my knees praying for him to sustain you guys in the waiting. Prayer, hugs, and all my love sent to you!

  12. I don't know what to write...I am so deeply sad for all of your loss, but also so inspired by your love, determination and faith. God will bless you. Love and prayers!

  13. Jamie and Jake i have followed your story from the beginning. Your story, though tragic, pushes you both through with your true faith and hope in our Lord. I pray for your womb, i pray for your unborn, River and your sweet Uriah. I pray for a full recovery, both physically and mentally.and i pray for your desire to be the parents you have hoped and dreamed about. Take care and know that you are wrapped in the loving arms of our savior Jesus Christ.

  14. wow.....I live in Seattle where no one seems to even dare talk about the Lord. Thanks for sharing....yes, I pray something miraculous will come your way....besides all of the love and support you have been experiencing I pray that something miraculous in the way of children will come your way.

    1. Yes, we live near Seattle too. Talking about God isn’t super popular for sure. Thank you for support and prayers!

  15. Dear Jamie, you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Lots of love and many blessings your way. Stay future focused and positive. Know that you are not alone. May the Grace of God be with you today and always.

  16. I stand with you in praying for your womb and for many children. You both are heroes and I continue to pray for you

  17. As I learn to live the life that God wants for me I believe it is no accident that I have had the pleasure to pray and financially support your journey.
    God works in such beautiful ways .
    I will keep you in my prayers as i learn and grow from your living testimony of life and love .

  18. I am praying for your womb and also for your many babies and children to come. Your courage and strength is of the Holy Spirit and of our precious Jesus, who loves you so much. I will continue to hold all of you in my heart and will always pray for you.

  19. Dearest Jamie, I pray for your physical and emotional strength, and hope and pray to God for restoring your beautiful and sacred womb. Our family prays and cries for you. Please know how deeply you are loved. Rachel

  20. Jamie , you are a woman of great courage and have a great depth of love for God.....may this always keep your heart open to the future .
    A book that help me greatly with my own losses was a book I read called
    Sending you so much healing prayers and love you to both .
    Janina and Jurgen

    1. Thank you Janina and Jurgen, I’m sorry to hear about your losses as well!

  21. The moment I read your story, I cried in such deep pain for you and your babies. I have feared losing a child my entire life and it's why I never allowed myself to get pregnant. As I reach my mid-40s and think now of what I have missed by being so afraid of losing, I regret giving myself no option for faith. i admire your faith and your strength so much. I cry for you, but I am heartened that you have a partner who truly is a life partner. In spite of your unthinkable losses, you are blessed. And your words are an inspiration. I am praying for your body to heal and your womb. You are and always will be whole, and I am sure you will have joy and comfort in abundance again. Uriel and River were both so blessed to know you. Sending love and tears and prayers. Thank you for this request and for sharing your heart.

    1. I’m so sorry to hear about your unique loss - the loss of what “could have been”. I commend you for your emotional intelligence and self-honesty in recognizing this, I pray you are able to grieve well. Thank you also for your tears and prayers for me, you are appreciated.

  22. Praying with you in your anguish and agony. Very much Gethsemane, where Messiah's prayer would be answered gloriously, but death had to occur so that resurrection would conquer. The impossible became possible, but not as we could imagine.

    1. Literal resurrection of the dead may not be something we see commonly in these days, but scripture does say that day is coming. I anticipate it!

  23. Dear Jamie and Jacob I've been following your courageous story and I feel you two bless and touch the hearts and souls of all you come into contact with, whether it's online or in person, or in any other way. I stand in prayer with you about a healed womb and all the children you both want, all healthy. And you'll both make a full recovery. Yes, I agree God is very good and loving. That's why this will manifest and it won't take too long. Your beautiful and very much loved little ones, Uriel, Violet and River are with our Lord and you will both be reunited with them again. God bless you both. Love and hugs, Lynn

    1. We were going to have a boy & girl. Then at our first baby's birth when I was 20 I knew she was a miracle & told God: "I want as many children as You want to give me!" Even though I did not yet know that Jesus is God my Creator. We had 19 pregnancies & 12 live births. I was born again at 25 when I asked God for friends and the next day He sent a neighbor who invited me to Ladie's Bible Study where I was challenged to search The Scriptures & I found Jesus♥ The Bible is our life line and tells us Truth & is God speaking personally to us. When we think outside the box, it's good to see what Scripture says & know that God's thoughts are higher than ours. (((Genesis 16))) I Love You Jamie. May The Lord Jesus Bless & Guide you two love birds! We live 1 hour east of Seattle since 1978. In 2007 our middle child Laurie was in a car wreck ^& has a traumatic brain injury she can say mom every year or so. I do total care for her she is in her bed till we get a new wheelchair soon Lord willing. When she was 14 she cried after I read a book with her. I asked: "Why are you crying Laurie?" She replied; "I always want to be your little girl." God is so good. I always wanted to be a mother; as my mom was the best♥ Our uninsured home burned down almost 5 1/2 hears ago. One of our son's & I carried Laurie out. I told God He could take whatever He wanted. I had our girl♥ We rebuilt and moved in just before last Christmas. Life is full of ups and downs but God is faithful♥

    2. You are so right, God is very faithful! I was told I couldn't have kids because of a disease but after a lot of miscarriages and some periods were I couldn't get pregnant for months, I had two healthy sons. God is a worker of miracles! God bless you & your family, and especially your daughter Laurie

    3. Thank you for your blessings to our family & especially Laurie! This song came to mind as I awoke this morning♪
      Believe For It
      CeCe Winans
      They say this mountain can't be moved
      They say these chains will never break
      But they don't know You like we do
      There is power in Your name
      We've heard that there is no way through
      We've heard the tide will never change
      They haven't seen what You can do
      There is power in Your name
      So much power in Your name
      Move the immovable
      Break the unbreakable
      God, we believe
      God, we believe for it
      From the impossible
      We'll see a miracle
      God, we believe
      God, we believe for it
      We know that hope is never lost
      For there is still an empty grave
      God, we believe, no matter what
      There is power in Your name
      So much power in Your name
      Move the immovable
      Break the unbreakable
      God, we believe
      God, we believe for it
      From the impossible
      We'll see a miracle
      God, we believe
      God, we believe for it…

    4. Lynn,
      Thank you for your prayers and kind words! I’m so sorry to hear about your losses. Precious little ones forever missed. I am glad to hear you were able to have two healthy babies!

      I’m so sorry to hear about your many losses! But it is so good to hear that you and your son were able to carry your daughter out of the burning house, as you said life is so precious and belongings don’t matter! Blessings to you and yours.

  24. Jamie, this is so beautiful. We are praying alongside you for your womb and future children. Thank you so much for sharing more of your story. Our God who can part seas, raise the dead to life, and create the entire universe can certainly recreate your womb!I look forward to hearing more about your journey as you continue to touch the lives of so many people and point them to Christ.
    <3 Heather from MA

  25. Jamie, I am grateful that I have been involved with your journey from the beginning. It grabbed hold me and remains in my heart. You will be parents five, or seven or ten if that is your dream. I have an adopted daughter from Costa Rica who I adopted when she was four from an orphanage. She is a ray of sunlight and a blessing in my life. I wanted to share the Prayer of Saint Frances de Sales, it has comforted me and I hope it may soothe you and Jacob as you grieve. the prayer: " Be at peace. Do not look forward in fear to the changes of life, rather look to them with full hope as they arise. God, whose very own you are, will deliver you from out of them. He has kept you hitherto, and He will lead you safely through all things; and when you cannot stand it, God will bury you in his arms. Do not fear what may happen tomorrow; for the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you then and everyday. He will either shield you from suffering, or will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings." With continued prayers and hope for a brighter tomorrow. Your friend from New Mexico, Carron

    1. Thank you Carron! Yes, adoption is a truly sacred thing, I’m so happy for you and your daughter. :)

  26. I have prayed a prayer of agreement for your exact request. NOTHING is too hard for God!

  27. I am always so grateful for any updates from you and Jake. Even though I am a total stranger on the other side of the country, I worry about you guys. You are both on my mind, in my heart, and in my prayers.

    I thought of you both yesterday. In Charles Stanley's Daily Bible, there was an insert that brought you to mind, especially having read this thoughtful blog post. In regards to Psalm 23:6, Charles Stanley wrote, "We cannot always see goodness and mercy ahead of us, but when we look behind us, we see them. That helps us to look ahead and see more clearly, where we glimpse our place at God's side forever." How true that is! God is literally awesome. To know beyond any doubt that, because of HIs love and grace, goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives, leaves me speechless. I pray for goodness and mercy to flood into your hearts, minds, bodies, and souls.

    There is so much hate, judgment, impatience and criticism in the world today. I know that you and Jake are experiencing immense pain and grief. But please know that you are both bringing such light to these dark times. You are witnessing to the world! In articles, on the news, on Facebook, in this blog, etc., you remain unashamed of Jesus. You are declaring Him everywhere. And the fact that strangers can come to care for and pray for you through social media is such a blessing to us all. Especially when social media can be so unpleasant and stressful. Thank you both for all you are doing for Jesus and for allowing strangers into your lives.

    You are in my prayers.

    Mandy from Massachusetts

    1. Thank you Mandy! I am grateful for the goodwill of strangers who have been such a support and blessing to us. It is nice to be able to share freely.

  28. Jaime, you probably dont remember me or not very well as I have not seen you since you were a young child but your life, your birth made a huge impact on my life. Your dear mother allowed me to be there at your birth, I think I was pregnant with my first at the time. Watching you come into the world was such a miracle. I went on to lose the precious baby I was carrying shortly after birth, his name was Caleb. But God has been so very gracious to me. He gave me four more sons and an adopted daughter. When I read your story for the first time it was gut wrenching difficult but I feel honored that I have been able to travel this road with you through prayer for you and Jacob. I am going to share your blog with all my praying friends and stand and believe with you that you WILL have the children you desire and they and you will be blessed. Our God is the God of the impossible and restoring your womb is certainly not out of the realm of possibilities. I love you sweet Jaime and will continue to hold you in my prayers! For some reason the email address here is my business email but so that you know, my name is Karen Ball. I was a good friend of your mothers and used to be married to her cousin.

    1. Thank you Karen! That is so special you were able to be at my birth. I know I entered the world quickly. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your precious little Caleb, who is my second cousin I believe. I do remember meeting your other three sons as a small child when you were visiting at Nana and Papa’s, but I don’t remember meeting your daughter. Adoption is truly sacred! I’m sure you know my brother also was adopted. Anyway, thank you for your prayers and kind words, blessing to you and yours!

  29. Jamie,
    Your aspiration for what God has in the future for you is so inspiring. I am so sad to hear that you lost your womb . . . that on top of everything else seems unbearable. My prayer for you is that Jesus will restore your body to perfect health and wholeness.

    We love you Jamie!

  30. Jamie...I have been following your journey from the beginning. I have often wondered if you would be able to have more children and now you have shared these deeply intimate details of this part of your journey. Jamie, you have the faith, you have the GOD of the impossible and He will give you more babies! I believe it with everything in me. My prayer too will be that your womb is restored! Yes! He has the resurrection power! It is nothing to Him! He loves you that much! I too lost a child several years ago. Our only son passed away when he was 6. I so wanted another little boy and we checked many avenues. We had 3 children and my husband had had a vasectomy. A decision that for us, we had already regretted while all of our children were still healthy and whole. After our precious Michael went to be with Jesus my husband began having difficulties with the vasectomy that was performed 5 years prior and had to have it reversed. In just three months I was again carrying a precious baby boy in my womb. Like Job, God gave us not only one more son but another followed a year and a half later. Jamie, our God will fill your arms again, fill your heart again, and yes, though it may be difficult to imagine at times now, you will laugh again! You will know that Uriel and Violet will be cheering you on until you can all be together one day in God's perfect timing!!
    Blessings and continued prayers....Debbie

    1. Debbie, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your son. Many people have experienced pregnancy loss and that is a very real and valid pain as I deeply know, but totally different is losing a child you’ve brought forth and built a relationship with. No one understands that pain except someone who has experienced it. I’m so sorry your Michael isn’t in your arms today. I am glad to hear about your two extra blessings, who you already longed for before losing their brother. Blessings to you!

  31. I'm so grieved about the losses you have endured, yet I believe that God has a plan for all of His children. Plans we can't comprehend at times. He is a God of the impossible & He will always do what He sees as the best for us. We can always stand on this fact no matter what it looks like. I believe along with you & others that you will have those children.

    1. I’ve actually been mulling over composing a post about God’s plans for his children. :)

  32. I along with many, many, many others have been following your story since the first we read or heard about it and I can just see the prayers for you and Jacob surrounding the throne of GOD as hears each and everyone of them. I just finished reading your lastest post on your Womb and it brought tears to my eyes and again prayers that you and Jacob will be the parents you both long to be. You and Jacob know as you both have Gone through the storm of pain, loss and the path you would have never imagine being on, that GOD has and will Always be with you both. I am so deeply touched by what I have read and prayed about for you two and I so look forward to reading more as you both continue on this road of recovery and more of what GOD has for you. Know this Jaime and Jacob your sister in CHRIST Shirl in Richland is praying daily for you both and sending you both Much Love ❤️

    1. Thank you Shirl for the compassion and prayers!

  33. I continue to pray for your healing -- body and heart. I will be sure to also pray for the restoration of your womb. Anything we hold sight of is possible. <3 <3

  34. Dear Jamie & Jacob God can move in mysterious ways. Please ready this article when you have time. God bless you both. You are loved and prayed for. Lynn

    1. Thank you Lynn. Sadly the statistics for success with uterus transplants are still low, and C-sections are required. But maybe in the years to come as the technology improves this may be an option. :)

  35. Beloved in the LORD. Since I first saw this post I have been praying for Jamie to receive a new womb with a child in it. Our Heavenly Father is such a good Father. He is faithful, He always keeps His Promises, He has the best plan for all of His Children, and best of all HE provided for us Eternal Life through His One and only Holy Son our LORD Jesus Christ. I continue to pray and stand in faith for all of HIS promises for you both to be fulfilled in HIS time. Much Love to you both, Janet

  36. Praying for you and Jake, as I have since the fire. I think of you both often, and pray for you everytime.
    God is good!!
    Please know you are in so many hearts.

    God please be with this beautiful family. Wrap your arms around them, bless them, love them, protect and strengthen them. Amen

  37. I too had a false pregnancy. I heard my babies heartbeat and then my next two visits unfortunately they couldn’t find it. The day before thanksgiving 1996, I was at an appointment where the doctor ordered an ultrasound, the fetus had stopped growing, no heartbeat. I should have been 20 weeks that day. They offered to do a DNC. I refused and said I’d let nature take it’s course. Thanksgiving night I was admitted to the hospital in horrendous pain. My body had started the process but not completely. I was offered to do a birth or they do a DNC. I couldn’t take what was happening and asked for the DNC. It was a horrible time. I couldn’t imagine loosing a toddler shortly after and encountering a miscarriage following. I know the pain my heart felt, your must have been ready to burst with such sorrow. Your inspirational in your resilience and faith.
    I was blessed with a daughter in 1998, she’s healthy and grown. Unfortunately I too had to undergo an emergency hysterectomy just a few years later, my condition took my Ovaries too. So I was only blessed with my daughter. I’m okay with that.
    My condolences to you and Jake as you have both endured so much. I only shared my story so that you know that you are not alone. That there are some who have been through similar things (all though I must say your plate is stacked high and my loss is not near what you both have endured). I keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
    Keep positive. Keep the faith.

  38. I too had a false pregnancy. I heard my babies heartbeat and then my next two visits unfortunately they couldn’t find it. The day before thanksgiving 1996, I was at an appointment where the doctor ordered an ultrasound, the fetus had stopped growing, no heartbeat. I should have been 20 weeks that day. They offered to do a DNC. I refused and said I’d let nature take it’s course. Thanksgiving night I was admitted to the hospital in horrendous pain. My body had started the process but not completely. I was offered to do a birth or they do a DNC. I couldn’t take what was happening and asked for the DNC. It was a horrible time. I couldn’t imagine loosing a toddler shortly after and encountering a miscarriage following. I know the pain my heart felt, your must have been ready to burst with such sorrow. Your inspirational in your resilience and faith.
    I was blessed with a daughter in 1998, she’s healthy and grown. Unfortunately I too had to undergo an emergency hysterectomy just a few years later, my condition took my Ovaries too. So I was only blessed with my daughter. I’m okay with that.
    My condolences to you and Jake as you have both endured so much. I only shared my story so that you know that you are not alone. That there are some who have been through similar things (all though I must say your plate is stacked high and my loss is not near what you both have endured). I keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
    Keep positive. Keep the faith.


Shiloh 1 Month Old

Shiloh Ocean's first visit to the ocean! Dada put a flower in her hair.