Monday, August 16, 2021

August 2021 Brief Update

When you read a novel, sometimes 6 months passes in a single paragraph, because there isn’t much to say. But the plot development and character arcs ruminating in that 6 months will become evident as the story progresses. 

I haven’t posted here in 6 months, but my journey quietly goes on one day at a time. Surgeries have become a less frequent occurrence, bending most of my my fingers has become easier, and slowly I look up and realize I’ve gone several days or now weeks without pain medication as my body heals.

Jacob’s hand is still in constant pain as his next surgery keeps getting delayed, forcing him to live with the web-spaces between his fingers constantly ripping open. But he presses on like a champ.

I try to keep myself busy… working in the garden outside, riding my bike, accomplishing projects, a little bit of babysitting, reading books, painting, marking up my new Bible, etc. We watch some TV or the news most days.

Other than God Himself, our greatest solace in this time is that we have each other. Perhaps one day I will share our love story. My husband is so loving and affectionate and we take care of each other. It is truly wonderful to have such a best friend, ally, and lover.

We’re blessed with friends and family too. We have Bible Study each week, we live near Jacob’s family, and we have periodic visits with my family.

We are still praying for a restoration of my womb, but in the meanwhile we are beginning to pursue surrogacy. We are working with a fertility clinic to begin the first steps of the process. I’ll share more about that later.

I’m going to try and post here on the blog more often. I never did figure out how to get the email notification option set up properly, but I’m trying to find someone to help me with that. I’ll mention it if it starts working. 

And to conclude this short post, here is an image from my Bible. This is one of my favorite psalms. 

Uriel always loved. Always remembered. 


  1. Oh Jaime so great to see your written words and to know what provides you with comfort and peace. You are being prayed for and thought of often. Glad to hear that you are keeping yourself busy as you continue to heal. Prayers that Jake will be able to get his surgery on his hands soon. I keep up with your progress through Dawnmarie. May God continue to have His healing hand on you and Jake. Sending you much love from South Carolina ������

    1. Thanks Leslie! Jacob finally got his surgery two weeks ago. :)

  2. Thank you for posting. I'm happy to hear that you are healing even if it's slowly. I think about you guys often, how courageous you both are.I often wonder if I would be as courageous as you are. You and your babies are in my prayers daily. I will also pray that Jake gets his hand surgery sooner rather than later.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

    1. Thank you! The surgeon was able to get him in last-minute a couple weeks ago. :)

  3. So glad to hear this ❤️
    Thanks for sharing

  4. So glad you are keeping this blog and thank you for the updates. I worked as a radio operator on the Cold Springs fire and spent a lot of time praying that you'd be found safe. I was devastated when I found that you lost your precious son. I experienced child loss 10 years ago, with my daughter. I hope you both continue to heal.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss! Ten years of not getting to see your precious daughter each day... I am so so sorry. It's only been a year for me, but I know after 10 years I will be imagining what my son would have been like as a 12-year-old. Anyway, thank you for the job you do and for all the time you spent praying for us to be found safe. Blessings.

    2. I think that's the hardest thing for me, seeing other girls that would be her age and wondering what she would be like. Would she be my buddy that I could take hunting or shooting? Would she be a redheaded spitfire like her mom? Or being jealous of other parents who have a daughter around her age. I wish neither of us were part of that club. My wife and I were watching an episode of Longmire last night that dealt with losing a child, it was a very emotional episode to begin with and that really set us off. I do feel like we will see her again, which helps.


Shiloh 1 Month Old

Shiloh Ocean's first visit to the ocean! Dada put a flower in her hair.