Saturday, April 27, 2024

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Update 2024

I haven't allotted time and mental space to my blog for a while, but it's just on hold, not forgotten. ;) 

I am loving the process of raising my daughter and watching her grow. She's 8 months old now and fully in the swing of the pre-toddler phase. It's so precious! She has four teeth and loves to exclaim, "Dadadada!" and "Mamama!", along with various other adorable baby sounds. Parenting is such a blessing. 

I'm not ready to devote a lot of time to my blog right now, but I'll post some pictures in the meanwhile. :)

Here are some from Shiloh's first month of life:

Shiloh 1 Month Old

Shiloh Ocean's first visit to the ocean! Dada put a flower in her hair.