Saturday, January 7, 2023

Don't be a Flat Squirrel

I like this quote. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for making wrong decisions, but sometimes there is no wrong decision. What's for dinner? Hamburgers? Spaghetti? Shepherd's pie? Rice-a-roni? There is no wrong decision. The only wrong decision is to make no decision, to skip dinner and go to bed hungry. So no matter what the decision is, it is good. Jacob and I have absorbed this quote into the vernacular of our marriage... we will tease each other by saying "You're being a flat squirrel right now," when we want to gently nudge the other to just make up their mind about something. The comic relief is instant, and it can ease decision fatigue to have that reminder. The visual here is, of course, a squirrel running across the road when a car is coming. The squirrel can't decide if it should turn back or keep going straight. It has enough time either way, but as it hovers in the middle of the road with indecision, suddenly it is out of time and gets squished. So even if neither option seems desirable, it really is better to just pick one and get it over with, to avoid being stuck in that place of decision fatigue. That is all I have to share this week. Go forth and make decisions! Blessings.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this visual and it is so true! God bless you and thank you for this thought.


Shiloh 1 Month Old

Shiloh Ocean's first visit to the ocean! Dada put a flower in her hair.